Winter Down on the Farm

About This Project

Winter Down on the Farm – Travel Needs

Excerpts from The 1902 Edition of Sears, Roebuck Catalogue

Sleigh – Portland cutter, light, comfortable and cozy for driver and passenger. Solid panels, body black, striped in gold bronze and carmine. Spring back and cushion, richly upholstered with imported English broadcloth. Uses best grade Norway iron for bolts and braces, with Higgins best grade steel shoes securely bolted to runners. Four standard styles, affordable from $16.95 – $22.50. Shipping weight, crated, about 200 pounds.

Sleigh Robe – Heavy and warm, made of fine quality brown wool to resemble the old buffalo robes of the plains. Lined with the finest black cloth lining, plus an inner lining of rubber cloth makes this absolutely wind and waterproof, extra large size for $7.50.

Foot Warmer – Produces continuous heat for keeping feet warm when sleighing for long periods of time. The Lehman’s Heater uses a specially prepared coal inside a slide-out drawer. Covered with Brussels carpet, smoke and odor free, no danger of fire. Price $3.60. Dangerous and worthless imitations are sold at less prices.

Bells – Cheery and pleasant, announces sleigh coming in the dark of night. Body strap of 19 bells, wire fastened on heavy harness leather and lined with grain leather sells for only $1.33.

Whip – Signals your horse to keep on trotting through the snow. A 6-foot model, solid leather on hickory stock runs 63 cents.

Harness –William’s fancy breast collar harness comes with brass trimmings throughout, bridle with patent leather blinds and yellow fronts plus padded patent leather saddle. Nobby and very stylish. Our special price…$13.25. (A 2008 harness of this style can cost 100 times the 1902 price.)

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