12 Dec Jim Hartman Donates to Larson House
Jim Hartman recently handed a check for $1000 to Ken Brost towards the purchase of the Larson House by the McFarland Historical Society. In addition to this thousand dollar gift, the Jim Hartman State Farm Insurance Agency will pledge $500 next year and another $500 the year thereafter to be used towards the restoration of the century-old Victorian home located at the intersection of Farwell and Exchange Street.
“I believe in this project and I am excited that the home will be restored and become an asset to the community. It goes along with the rejuvenation of the downtown center of the village,” he said. Jim noted that we have the E.D. Locke Library, the new coffee shop in the McFarland House, the McFarland Historical Museum, and with community support the Larson House will be a house museum – all within an easy walking distance.
“The Larson House can be part of a walking field trip for McFarland school kids as they study local history. It’s really a great opportunity for the next generation of kids to step back in time,” said Jim enthusiastically.
Citizen of the Year in 1998, Jim has organized the Village Halloween Parade every year for the past 20 years. Jim moved his State Farm office from Monona to McFarland in 1983 and his family here in 1987. Jim explained that he feels it has been a real privilege to work with so many great people in McFarland and he likes the idea of giving back to the community that has supported his business for many years.
Ken Brost heads the fund-raising effort for the McFarland Historical Society’s project to purchase the Larson House. He spoke to the Chamber of Commerce about the project and stressed the need for pledging. “We did this with the Library. The desire to help was there and we made it affordable by asking for pledges over a number of years,” said Ken. Ken noted that Jim was one of the first persons to fill out a Historical Society pledge card for the Larson House.
For more information about the Larson House Project, contact Ken Brost at 838-7142or Dale Marsden at 838-3992 It you have or wish to donate to the project and would be willing to have Jane Licht interview you, please contact her 838-8178 or jlicht@sprynet.com