About Us

Museum Locations and Hours


McFarland Historical Museum

5814 Main Street, McFarland, WI 53558

Open Sundays 1-4pm from Memorial Day through September.

Special tours by appointment throughout the year

Larson House Museum

6003 Exchange Street, McFarland, WI 53558

Open Sundays 1-4pm from Memorial Day through September

Open Sundays 1-4pm during December.

Public gardens are always open for your viewing pleasure.

Special tours by appointment throughout the year


Dale Marsden, 608-838-3992, marsdenhoney@yahoo.com


Facilities Manager

Jane Licht, 608-234-2504, licht.jane@gmail.com

(Secondary contact is Gail Aaroen, see info below)


Larson House Garden and Rentals

Gail Aaroen, gtaaroen@hotmail.com



Sharon Page, sharonpagey@gmail.com

Map of Museum Locations

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