2018 Annual Meeting, Thelma Allen is Volunteer of the Year

2018 Annual Meeting, Thelma Allen is Volunteer of the Year

Michael Edmonds was our guest speaker at the annual meeting at the McFarland Municipal Building.  Michael Edmonds is the Director of Programs and Outreach at the Wisconsin Historical Society and has written several books on various aspects of Wisconsin history.  He is a 1976 graduate of Harvard and has taught part time at the UW-Madison since 1986.  He presented his recent book, “Warriors, Saints and Scoundrels: Brief Portraits of Real People Who Shaped Wisconsin.”  Michael told  us about some of the strange and colorful people who helped shape our state, and why the Wisconsin Historical Society wanted to publish a book full of short sketches of obscure eccentrics.

President Dale Marsden gave an update on the restoration of the double-pointed row boat used at early resorts on Lake Waubesa.  He said a group of society members have met 11 times so far to work on the boat.  Tim Kreft provided his expertise.  Boat laborers are Lee Ackley, Dale Marsden, Rod Clark, Bob Kolek, Don Peterson, Dick Kohl, Wes Licht, Joe Larson, and Mark Finley.

Marlene Richard said the 2017 Strawberry Shortcake Social went well and the fundraiser garnered $843 dollars.  Jane Licht said the Larson House Museum has seen a great deal of activity and is a destination for groups and individuals.

Rod Clark gave a powerpoint presentation on restoration work on the society’s Norwegian Log Cabin.

There was also a special video about the history and restoration of the Larson House.  Beverages including Wisconsin wines and other treats followed.

Thelma Allen was honored as the society’s Volunteer of the Year. Click the link to read more about her contributions to the MHS.