01 Oct McFarland Chocolate Fest 2018
McFarland Chocolate Fest to be held Oct 6th, 2018, from 7 to 9 pm
Now in its seventh season, the elegant and ever delectable Chocolate Fest will again be held at the Curling Club at 4802 Marsh Road in McFarland on Saturday, Oct. 6th from 7 to 9pm. The best bakers in the community will donate their favorite chocolate desserts, the candles will be lit, and the champagne poured.
Fine music will be provided by talented McFarland High School students. Fruit and cheese, famous Door Creek Orchard apple cider, and coffee will be served – all for a modest $20 fee. Tickets are available at the McFarland House Cafe, the McFarland State Bank and online at this website. Tickets will also be available at the door until they run out. An always popular upscale silent auction will also be featured.