22 Feb 2017 Annual Meeting
The McFarland Historical Society’s Annual meetings are always lively with good speakers and interesting reports. This year, local historian Lorraine Hawkinson presented the story of a Norwegian immigrant who came to Dane County and created an invention that became very popular in our area. His name was Ole Evinrude and his ideas would make Wisconsin famous for outboard
motors. Reports were given on the progress of the “Float the Boat” project (new addition to the museum), Memorial Day activities, the Strawberry Shortcake Social, the Chocolate Fest, and the work of our Mowing Brigade. Plaques that recognize donors who contributed to the new addition at various levels were displayed. This year, the name of our “Volunteer of the Year” was a closely guarded secret and our president, Dale Marsden was very surprised to find out that he was the one being honored for all his work on the Larson House, in the Museum, leading board meetings, editing the newsletter, organizing our Memorial Day Open House and more. Our exciting
news is that the addition is done and now comes the hard work of restoring our hundred-year-old double pointed row boat that pre-dates Ole’s Evinrude motor. Contributions are now encouraged to complete the boat restoration and prepare displays for the new room.