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McFarland Historical Society | 2022 Strawberry Shortcake Social

2022 Strawberry Shortcake Social

2022 Strawberry Shortcake Social

Enjoy lots of good food, lawn games, old time music and the “ghosts” of John and Julia Larson at the Larson House Picnic on August 21st from noon to 3 pm. That’s right, the folks who owned this lovely Victorian home for nearly 80 years will visit, in spirit form only, and share their memories. A full menu of potato salad, baked beans, chips, your choice of a hot dog or ham, turkey or cheese sandwich, lemonade and ice cream for dessert will be served. You can sit in the shade, eat your excellent meal and wait for the famous apparitions to appear. Lawn games, scavenger hunts and chalk drawing will keep the children busy. Then you can browse through the restored Larson House and listen to the music played on the family’s grand piano.